한국어 초급 단계에서 집중교육 테크놀로지 활용에 대한 연구 -타슈켄트 세종한글학교 (현 타슈켄트1 세종학당) ПЕДАГОГИЧЕСКИЕ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ ИНТЕНСИВНОГО ИЗУЧЕНИЯ КОРЕЙСКОГО ЯЗЫКА НА НАЧАЛЬНОМ ЭТАПЕ (на примере школы Сеждон)

Author: Хо, Сен Хенг

Annotation: The total area of Uzbekistan is 44.7 km2, which is approximately twice the width of the Korean Peninsula. The total population is 36 million people, of which 170,000 of our compatriots live mainly in the state of Tashkent and the city of Tashkent region.

Keywords: Tashkent Sejong Hangul School was founded in 1991 by local personnel from the Gwangju and Jeonnam regions in six villages in Koryo-in of the former Soviet Union. It is the first private Hangul school in Korea and was opened under the name Gwangju Hangul School. While Professor Lim Chae Wan of Chonnam University led the establishment and operation of the school, Gwangju Ilbo Co., Ltd. developed a fundraising drive to establish the school, and Kim Jung-chae, director of the Gwangju Metropolitan Museum in North Korea, took the lead and promoted the project.

Pages in journal: 249 - 254
