Абиров, В. Э. (2021). ХИТОЙШУНОС А. ХЎЖАЕВ ТАДҚИҚОТЛАРИДА ЎЗБЕК ХАЛҚИ ЭТНОГЕНЕЗИ ВА ЭТНИК ТАРИХИ МАСАЛАЛАРИНИНГ ЁРИТИЛИШИ. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(Special Issue 1), 483-487.

Author: Абиров, В.Э.

Annotation: The problem of the origin of the Uzbek people has not yet been resolved. The role of ancient Chinese sources in the study of this issue is important. The article analyzes the research of A. Khodjaev, a researcher of ancient Chinese sources.

Keywords: ethnos, ethnogenesis, ethnic history, ancient written source, source studies, Turkic tribes, Uzbek people, Central Asia.
