Ahmedova, S. I. (2021). XITOY VA KO ‘RFAZ ARAB MAMLAKATLARI YOZUVCHILARI ASARLARIDA MAGIK REALIZMNING XUSUSIYATLARI VA USLUBLARI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(Special Issue 1), 369-375.

Author: Ahmedova, Shahlo Irgashbaevna

Annotation: This article discusses the features and methods of magical realism in the works of storytellers from China and the Gulf Arab countries.The fact that writers Mo Yan and Layla Osman abandoned direct interpretations and switched to various new artistic methods and resorted to magical (miraculous) realism found its artistic expression reflected in their works such as “The Land of Musallas” and “Two Heads and One Body

Keywords: Chinese literature, literature of the Gulf Arab countries, Mo Yan, Layla Osman, magical realism, “The Land of Musallas”, “Two heads and one body”, fantastic and extraordinary elements, flow of consciousness.
