Ахмедова, С. Д. (2021). ФИЛОСОФИЯ КИТАЙСКОГО ИСКУССТВА КАК ОТРАЖЕНИЕ ЭСТЕТИЧЕСКОЙ МЫСЛИ. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(Special Issue 1), 500-505.

Author: Ахмедова, С.Д.

Annotation: The article is devoted to the philosophical aspects of Chinese art, which is a manifestation of aesthetic thought. It is shown that aesthetic value is inherent in everything that is called art, since beauty is a consequence of skill in everything, no matter what a person does, and is organically inherent in all forms of artistic creation. It is noted that in the Chinese aesthetic tradition, the path of the creator was understood not as a linear progressive movement to the heights of life and true professionalism, but personified the sublime value of the aesthetic awareness of the world, with the choice of a unique direction in life.

Keywords: philosophy, Chinese art, aesthetics, nature, painting, landscape, sculpture, architecture, value, personality, life.
