Акимов, Т. (2021). ХАН МИЛЛАТИНИНГ ҚАДИМГИ ВЕНЪЯН ТИЛИДАН АВЛОДДАН АВЛОДГА МЕРОС БЎЛИБ КЕЛАЁТГАН ФРАЗЕОЛОГИЗМЛАРНИНГ СЕМАНТИК ТАҲЛИЛИ. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(Special Issue 1), 11-20.

Author: Акимов, Таир

Annotation: Wenyan language phraseologies, which have been used in the palace of the Chinese officials for a long time, are considered to be a cultural part of the Chinese nation, inherited from generation to generation. It reflects the traditions, feelings, myths, culture, and mentality of the nation, which still serves in Chinese literature.

Keywords: Wenyan, idioms, culture, national tradition, understanding, origin, mastery, fluency, communication, mutual, history.
