Alikberov, E. S., Letyaev, V. A., & Alikberova, A. R. (2021). THE CHINA-INDIA-USA STRATEGIC TRIANGLE. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(Special Issue 1), 606-612.

Author: Alikberov, Eduard Shabanovich; Letyaev, Valeriy Alekseevich; Alikberova, Alfiya Rafisovna

Annotation: The presented work is devoted to the study of the influence of such a form of relationship as a triangle on the behavior of states and their interaction within the framework of a tripartite format. The relevance of this topic is due to the dominant position of the United States in the world, as well as the growing role in the system of international relations of two Asian giants, China and India, capable in the 21st century to confront Western countries in the international arena. The role of the China-India-USA strategic triangle - key players in the world political arena - will increase in the near future. Using the example of the interaction of the three states of the People's Republic of China, the Republic of India and the United States of America, the study examines and analyzes the main principles of the successful coordination of the three sides in the triangle: balance of power, refraining, and security. The main conclusion of the presented study is the importance of maintaining a balance in the strategic triangle "China-India-USA", since the aforementioned countries occupy important positions in the main areas of international relations: economy and security, the world order in the Asia-Pacific region depends on them. The methodological basis of the work is the general humanitarian research method - system analysis, which allowed us to analyze the principles of construction and functioning of the triangle as a system as a whole, and also to study the features of all components of this system, their interdependence and internal patterns of development. The materials of this article can be used in the future by international experts, orientalists and economists studying the Indo-Pacific and Asia-Pacific regions, as well as when reading a course of lectures and writing textbooks.

Keywords: strategic triangle, international relations, balance of power, People's Republic of China, regional security, India, United States of America.
