Alimova, S. F. (2021). XITOY TILIDA OMONIMIYANING TURDOSH XODISALARDAN FARQLANISHI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(Special Issue 1), 21-28.

Author: Alimova, Sevara Farxadovna

Annotation: The presence of homonymy in the Chinese language is undoubtedly associated with the phonetic structure of this language. Due to such a structure, the Chinese language has a relatively small number of identical melodic joints, as well as phonetic processes that form the sound structure. It is estimated that in the Chinese language, homonymy arose as a result of various phonetic processes. According toВ. Carlgren, "the phonetic development of the Chinese language has gone from ancient times to our present day through simplification, leveling (leveling, equalizing) and reduction: at one time, despite monosyllabism, it has a rich phonetic composition, it has a variety of different syllables this language has become a phonetically finally faked language as a result of the processes of simplification, assimilation of mutually distinguishable phonemes during long use: According to scientists, During the history of the development of the Chinese language, the process of the formation of homonyms occurred as a result of phonetic changes.

Keywords: Chinese language, homonymy, omogrof, omofon, dialect, tone, phonetics, graphic writing.
