Алимухамедовб, Р. А. (2021). ҚАДИМГИ ТУРК-МОНИЙ МУҲИТИДА МАТН ИККИ ТИЛЛИЛИГИ. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(Special Issue 1), 365-368.

Author: Алимухамедов,, Р.А.

Annotation: Ancient Turkic literature has a long history. Its traditions and skills in making text have also come from ancient times. There is a tradition of making parallel (bilingual) texts in the history of making text in Old Turkic. We can find the first such works in Turkic literature before epoch of Islam. At this time, the trade, economic, social and cultural relations of the Turkic nations with neighboring nations and states intensified. As a result, texts that are created in the literature began to be produced in two (or three) languages. Making bilingual texts is connected with translation work. This article is analyzing of bilingual texts from Turkic-Manichaean literature. In article gives emergence and structure of these bilingual texts

Keywords: Old Turkic history of making text, parallel text (bilingual), Old Turkic literature, Turkic-Manichaean literature, literary relationships
