Author: Норов, Тожи Омонович
Annotation: This article is devoted to the analysis of the philosophical views of the great thinker, the founder of the classical Uzbek language and literature, the great philosopher Amir Alisher Nizamiddin Navoi. It should be noted that the legacy of the thinker was studied with great interest from the time he was alive, and later, his work was researched more in the fields of artistic creation, literature, literary history, lyrical skill, socio-political activity, textual studies, source studies. Unfortunately, the thinker's philosophical views, in particular regarding existence, were not directly philosophically analyzed and researched, even though they were indirectly paid attention to in the example of Sufism literature or poetry. In the article, Navoi's views on existence were studied and certain conclusions were drawn.
Keywords: Alisher Navoi, philosophy, existence, philosophical terms, space, time, material existence, immaterial existence, existence in Islamic philosophy, Sufism philosophy, wahdat ul-wujud.
Pages in journal: 536 - 552