Ализаде, Л. И. К. (2021). ПОЭТИЧЕСКИЙ ОБРАЗ КИТАЯ И КИТАЙЦЕВ В «ХАМСЕ» НИЗАМИ ГЯНДЖЕВИ. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(Special Issue 1), 356-364.

Author: Ализаде, Лала Икрам кызы

Annotation: The article is based on examples from the works of Nizami Ganjavi, how Chinese and Chinese beauty are glorified in the examples of medieval Azerbaijan poetry from the historical, literary and cultural traditions of the peoples of the East and what metaphorical figures are reflected. The study approaches the concept of China in "Khamsah" from a scientific-artistic, historical-ethnographic point of view. In the process of research, information about China and the Chinese was taken as an artistic metaphor, a means of artistic description within the system of metaphors, China beauty was analyzed as a beautiful artistic portrait, a poetic image. It is shown in the Azerbaijan classical poetry that this literary tradition from Nizami is continued by original poetic means.

Keywords: China, Chinese, beauty symbol, artistic designation, analogy, hair, birthmark
