Алламбергенова, С. М. (2021). ИСТОРИЧЕСКИЙ РАКУРС ХРОНОЛОГИИ ЭТАПОВ РАЗВИТИЯ НАЗВАНИЯ ЖАНРА МИКРО-РАССКАЗ В СОВРЕМЕННОЙ КИТАЙСКОЙ ЛИТЕРАТУРЕ. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(Special Issue 1), 475-482.

Author: Алламбергенова, С.М.

Annotation: In this article, we would like to review the names of short-short stories in contemporary Chinese literature and analyze the history of their origin. Also, short-short story is seen as a powerful tool for reflecting the social processes that took place in Chinese society. In the course of the analysis, we identified the original, frequently used and generally accepted names of micro-stories, which went through a complex sequence of changes

Keywords: short-short stories, development, contemporary literature, culture, economic and social campaign, wall short-short stories, special issue, league of the left, one-minute stories
