Алмардонов, О. Қ. (2021). ЎЗБЕКИСТОН ВА ХИТОЙ ЎРТАСИДА ХАЛҚ ДИПЛОМАТИЯСИНИНГ АЙРИМ ЖИҲАТЛАРИ. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(Special Issue 1), 619-626.

Author: Алмардонов, Отабек Қудратович

Annotation: Strengthening and developing international relations in a complex and multifaceted modern environment is extremely important. At the same time, in the modern globalized world, one of the most important ways out of problem situations is public diplomacy. Since the first years of independence, the public diplomacy of Uzbekistan, as one of the leading political institutions of the state's foreign policy, has been formed and gradually developed on the basis of modern criteria, making a significant contribution to strengthening the country's place and prestige in the international community. In this regard, it is important to scientifically study the role of public diplomacy in cooperation between Uzbekistan and China. The article analyzes the history of public diplomacy relations between Uzbekistan and China. It has been argued that public diplomacy also plays an important role in the development of economic ties between the two countries and the development of tourism.

Keywords: public diplomacy, cooperation, economic relations, tourism.
