Author: Ma, Xuemei 马雪梅
Annotation: 本文以人民出版社出版的《乌汉-汉乌熟语词条对照辑录》一书为例,探索了汉语谚语翻译为乌兹别克语的方法。按照汉语谚语翻译为乌兹别克语的语义特点,将其分为了四种,即直译法、套用法、意译法和直译加意译法。最后,指出了翻译中存在的一些问题 This article explores the method of translating Chinese proverbs into Uzbek by combining the book "Uzbek-Chinese-Chinese-Uzbek Idioms Comparison" which is published by People's Publishing House as examples. According to the semantic characteristics of Chinese proverbs translated into Uzbek, they are divided into four types, namely literal translation, formulaic translation, free translation and literal translation combined with free translation.Finally, the article points out some problems in translation.
Keywords: 汉语;乌兹别克语;谚语;翻译;方法 Chinese language ;Uzbek language ; proverbs; translation; method
Pages in journal: 405 - 410