Артикова, З. З. (2021). ХИТОЙ ТИЛИДА 把 “BĂ” НОМ ҲИСОБ СЎЗИНИНГ ПАЙДО БЎЛИШ ТАРИХИ. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(Special Issue 1), 44-50.

Author: Артикова, Зиёда Зайнитдиновна

Annotation: The existence of measure words in Chinese, which has a rich history, is one of the peculiarities of Chinese Tibetan languages. In this article, we describe the history of the noun 把“bă, on of the Chinese measure words, its pies and total types.

Keywords: nominal counting words, piece cont word, unit of measure, noun, verb, knob, histori path.
