Badalbaev, D. F. O. G. L. (2021). XITOY OG'ZAKI NUTQIDA RAD ETISH UCHUN FOYDALANILADIGAN BIRIKMALAR. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(Special Issue 1), 51-57.

Author: Badalbaev, Dilshod Farxod o‘g‘li

Annotation: In this article, we will take a closer look at the conjunctions used in rejection that are directly used in the Chinese spoken language. The main purpose of this article is to learn how to refute the opinion of the other party in a speech. This is because we learn how to correctly translate the compounds, we encounter in dialogues

Keywords: Deny, to refuse, 办不到, 别来这一套, 不必了, 没门儿, 再说吧
