Бобохонов, А. (2021). МОЗГОВЫЕ ЦЕНТРЫ КИТАЯ КАК ИНСТРУМЕНТ ФОРМИРОВАНИЯ И РЕАЛИЗАЦИИ ПОЛИТИКИ ГОСУДАРСТВА. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(Special Issue 1), 627-637.

Author: Бобохонов, Аббос

Annotation: The relevance of research into the creation and development of "think tanks" is due to the increased role of the expert community in preparing the analytical base for decision-making at the highest level. The article presents the results of studying the prerequisites for the emergence of think tanks in China, the stages of their evolution, describes the characteristic features and characteristics, as well as their important role not only in the formation of state policy of the PRC, but also in the activation of China's influence in global politics.

Keywords: China, think tanks, analitic centre, international relations.
