Дана, К. А. (2021). ИСТОРИЯ ПОЯВЛЕНИЯ ЖАНРА “ЦЫ”. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(Special Issue 1), 376-381.

Author: Дана, Камилла Анваровна

Annotation: In the history of Chinese literature and philology, the style of the song-narrative syllable has been established twice: the first time as the creation of texts for a musical style and the other time as a literary style. The academic community of literary sinologists pays more attention to the creation of the first option, but relatively ignores the creation of the second. As for the first, the creation of a lexical corpus, the academic consensus is that the creation of texts of “Ci” was in the era of the Middle and Late Tang Dynasty.

Keywords: “ci”, Chinese literature, lexical corpus, academic consensus, Tang Dynasty
