Эрмаматов, Ш. Ж., & Норалиев, У. (2021). СОВРЕМЕННЫЕ ТЕНДЕНЦИИ ТОРГОВО-ЭКОНОМИЧЕСКОГО СОТРУДНИЧЕСТВА УЗБЕКИСТАНА И КНР. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(Special Issue 1), 686-691.

Author: Эрмаматов, Ш.Ж.; Норалиев, У.

Annotation: The article analyzes the dynamics and structure of Uzbekistan's foreign trade with the PRC, as well as the features of the functioning of enterprises with the participation of Chinese capital in Uzbekistan, substantiates promising areas of trade and economic cooperation between Uzbekistan and the PRC, taking into account the existing natural and economic potential and the principles of foreign trade of the two countries

Keywords: Uzbek-Chinese relations, foreign trade, trade cooperation, investment cooperation, export, import, export structure, import structure, enterprises with the participation of foreign capital.
