HINDIY TILIDAGI RASMIY USLUB MATNLARIDA QO’SHMA FE’LLAR SEMANTIKASI (Hindiston Respublikasi Bosh vaziri Narendra Modining Shanxay hamkorlik tashkiloti Davlat rahbarlari kengashining 21-sammitidagi bayonotida so’zlagan nutqi asosida)

Author: Dadashova, Nurxon Burxon qizi

Annotation: As the political-diplomatic relations between India and Uzbekistan is developping, the need for perfect translation in official bilateral meetings, political visits, and video conferences will increase. By itself, it is important to correctly translate words specific to this style in official style texts in Hindi. This article examines the use of verbs, their translation, and aspects of formality in a formal Hindi text (through Narendra Modi's speech).

Keywords: formal style, verb, semantics, compound verb, possessive verb, translation, formal translation.

Pages in journal: 46 - 52
