
Author: Баратов, Рашид Ўсарович; Раматов, Жуманиёз Султанович.

Annotation: As the issue of social protection of the population in Uzbekistan becomes more and more relevant, emerging approaches in this regard are also acquiring institutional significance. The reason is that in a social and legal state, the need to provide targeted support to the population in need of social protection, as well as to improve mechanisms for identifying individuals and families belonging to this category, has become a vital necessity. In this sense, the state proceeds from the fact that the priority of legislation must be ensured in the effective implementation of social protection policies. By ensuring the priority of legislation, it will be possible to achieve the effectiveness of state social protection policy. This study has deeply analyzed the historical roots and theoretical foundations of social policy and also examined its emergence as a response to the limitations of traditional legal paradigms in providing comprehensive social security. Through case studies and comparative analysis, the article highlights how different countries and regions have adapted welfare state conceptual frameworks to their unique socio-political contexts. In addition, the article highlights the inextricable link between the welfare state and the formation of a strong civil society. It is emphasized that it not only protects individual rights from a social point of view, but it is also important to strictly ensure the rights and freedoms of citizens and properly organize the participation of the general public. The article emphasizes that social reforms catalyze increasing the political and economic activity of the population.

Keywords: personality, state, social state, rule of law, civil society, administrative management, social protection, poverty level, society.

Pages in journal: 752 - 762
