भारतीय राष्ट्रवाद: कुछ ऐतिहासिक संदर्भ INDIAN NATIONALISM: SOME HISTORICAL CONTEXT

Author: Chaubey, Devendr

Annotation: Nowadays, India is celebrating the Amrit Mahotsav of Azadi. This is a great opportunity for the country and Indian society to understand and know their country. Therefore, the struggle against colonialism and imperialism by the people of the country from the Buxar war of 1764 to the 1857 and the war of 1857 to the independence of the country in 1947 has played a big role in building the entire vision of the Indian nation; especially between 1857 and 1947. Under the pretext of the Amrit Mahotsav of Azadi, it will be an important task to understand the context of the freedom movement present in history, folk memories and literary lessons that frame Indian nationalism. Importantly, the sources present in the literature between 1857 and 1947 help to understand the changes in the nature of Indian nationalism

Keywords: indian nationalism, historical context, Amrit Mahotsav of Azadi

Pages in journal: 185 - 198
