Исматуллаева, Н. Р. (2021). КОНФУЦИЙ ҲИКМАТЛАРИДА “КОМИЛ ИНСОН” ТУШУНЧАСИ ТАЛҚИНИ. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(Special Issue 1), 513-519.

Author: Исматуллаева, Наргиза Расулжановна

Annotation: From ancient times, the philosophy of the ancient East with its rich spiritual content has attracted the attention of scholars of Eastern and Western countries. It is known that in the XVII-XVIII centuries in Europe there was a philosophical current of Enlightenment, which was a clear influence of Chinese ideology. Representatives of the sect describe Confucianism as a "practical ethic" and China as a "country of philosophers" [1, 256]. Our growing interest in the work of Confucius, one of the world's ten greatest philosophers, is due to the fact that the terms in his teachings have not lost their relevance today. This article is also devoted to the analysis of the concept of "perfect man", which is one of the main philosophical categories in the teachings of the Chinese philosopher Confucius.

Keywords: Confucius, Confucianism, Lunyu (“Conversations and Reflections”), the Perfect Man, the Humble Man.
