Исҳоқов, М. (2021). АБУ РАЙҲОН БЕРУНИЙ НЕФРИТ ВА ХИТОЙ ҲАҚИДА. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(Special Issue 1), 593-599.

Author: Исҳоқов, Мирсодиқ

Annotation: The article analyzed data on the mineral jadeit (nefrit) in the book “Mineralogy” of Abu Raykhan Biruni and the historical geography of territories spreading nefrit in the Xinjiang Autonomous Region of the China People's Republic. In the article discussed problems, related to ethnography, issues of "The Nephritic culture of the Chinese People", traditional jadeital medicine.

Keywords: Nefrit, “Mineralogy”, Xinjiang, “Nephritic culture” , traditional jadeital medicine
