Камалова, С. Р. (2021). ТРАДИЦИИ И НАСЛЕДИЕ КОНФУЦИАНСКОЙ КУЛЬТУРЫ В СОВРЕМЕННОМ ВОСПИТАНИИ И ОБУЧЕНИИ. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(Special Issue 1), 525-531.

Author: Камалова, С.Р.

Annotation: This article reveals the role and influence on the upbringing and education of the foundations of Confucian culture. The individuality of the culture of the people, the value of Confucius' pedagogical ideas in modern upbringing and education are revealed. The moral norms and moral principles of the teacher and supervisor are proposed

Keywords: Confucianism, education, upbringing,principles, norms of education and training, Confucian culture, social technologies, social conflicts and contradictions.
