
Author: Jumayev, Oybek Maratovich

Annotation: The article, based on scientific and analytical considerations, reveals the essence of the concept of poverty and various socio-political views, measures and approaches in determining its criteria. The opinions of researchers in foreign countries related to poverty were more widely studied, and the possibilities of economic and social solutions to existing problems were compared. In particular, the understanding of poverty in a broad and narrow sense, its division into general poverty, institutional poverty, regional poverty and class poverty, as well as the concepts of norm and poverty threshold, are explained and theoretically analyzed. The main methods for determining the poverty line at the international level and various aspects of “macro-poverty” and “micro-poverty” are also described. It seems that understanding the concept of poverty and its essence will make it possible to determine an overall assessment of the standard of living of the population, improve indicators of health, longevity and literacy, and achieve an increase in living standards. Socially and politically significant scientific conclusions and recommendations about the types, specific aspects and classification of the concept of poverty are also given. In the process of clarifying the content of the article, the necessary concepts and phrases were discussed in detail, and brief, understandable comments were left on them.

Keywords: poverty, institutional poverty, regional poverty, class poverty, absolute and relative poverty, macropoverty, micropoverty.

Pages in journal: 298 - 306
