Каримова, Н. Э. (2021). ХОТАН–ЦЕНТР БУДДИЙСКОГО ИСКУССТВА В ВОСТОЧНОМ ТУРКЕСТАНЕ. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(Special Issue 1), 532-538.

Author: Каримова, Наталья Эрмановна

Annotation: The article studies the history of Buddhism in East Turkestan. Since the first centuries of our era, Khotan has become one of the largest centers of Buddhism. The wealth of Buddhist archaeological sites in Khotan proves that Buddhism flourished there with strong political and social support. The Gomati Monastery in ancient Khotan was founded by members of the royal family of Khotan, enjoyed strong royal support, and also served to protect the Buddhist kingdom of Khotan.

Keywords: Buddhism, East Turkestan, Khotan, art, legends, monasteries, Gomati.
