Касимова, З. Ғ. Қ. (2021). “БИР МАКОН, БИР ЙЎЛ” КОНЦЕПЦИЯСИ ХИТОЙ ИЖОБИЙ ИМИЖИНИ РИВОЖЛАНТИРИШИНИНГ МУҲИМ ОМИЛИ СИФАТИДА. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(Special Issue 1), 643-648.

Author: Касимова, Зилола Ғуломиддин қизи

Annotation: The article analyzes the concept of "One Belt One Road" as an important factor in the development of a positive Chinese image of the country. China's programs in the field of public diplomacy have been studied, which have proved effective in promoting the positive image of the One Belt One Road project.

Keywords: One Belt, One Road, The Silk Road, The Silk Road Economic Space, The Maritime Silk Road, The Great Dream of Rebuilding the Chinese Nation, Mutual Trust and Common Victory.
