Каунбаев, М. (2021). ХИТОЙДА ИСЛОМ ДИНИНИНГ РИВОЖЛАНИШДА САЙЙИД АЖАЛНИНГ ТУТГАН ЎРНИ. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(Special Issue 1), 539-546.

Author: Каунбаев, Мирзабадал

Annotation: This article is about Sayyid Ajall Shams al-Din Umar Kamal al-Din al-Bukahari (1211-1279), Muslim statesman, who made a significant contribution to the spread of Islam in China. On the one hand, he founded madrasas, mosques and charity homes in China, but on the other hand he supported building of Buddhist temples and Confucius schools. In this article, Sayyid Ajall’s activities in spreading Islam and his respect for other religions are described based on accounts of primary sources.

Keywords: Sayyid Ajal, Mongols, Yuan dynasty, Bukhara, mosque, Islamic rules, official, politics, tax, school, temple, darugachi, minister, emperor
