Кебайтули, Г. (2021). ИСТАК ГАПЛАРДА РЕАЛ ВА ИРРЕАЛ ИСТАКНИНГ ИФОДАЛАНИШИ. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(Special Issue 1), 58-64.

Author: Кебайтули, Гулибануму

Annotation: In the linguistic approach, the concept of reality is applied to the correspondence of an expression in language to reality, and unreality to the incompatibility of expression with objective reality. In this respect, desire is distinguished as an unreal desire if the desire expressed in the sentences corresponds to reality, while real desire, on the contrary, does not correspond to reality. In other words, a real wish is a wish that is expressed in words and a wish that can be fulfilled. This article analyzes the issues of expression of real and unreal desires in the Uzbek and Chinese language.

Keywords: wish sentences, real desire, unreal desire, unreality, Uzbek language, Chinese language.
