Ходжимуратова, Д. С. (2021). ХИТОЙ ВА ЭРОН ТОМОНИДАН МАРКАЗИЙ ОСИЁ РЕСПУБЛИКАЛАРИДА “ЮМШОҚ КУЧ” СИЁСАТИНИНГ ҚЎЛЛАНИЛИШИ. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(Special Issue 1), 719-724.

Author: Ходжимуратова, Д.С.

Annotation: The article examines the use of "soft power" elements in the foreign policy of China and Iran towards the Central Asian republics. This policy of China and Iran will be analyzed on the example of the impact on the education system of Central Asian countries. The attitude of the Central Asian republics to the foreign policy of these countries in the region, as well as the participation of these countries in the education market will be analyzed. In particular, a comparative study of China and Iran participation increase in the Kyrgyz education market. The article analyzes the specifics of the education policy of the Central Asian republics in the field of education, reveals the main directions of public diplomacy pursued by China and Iran. It also explores the possibilities and resources and mechanisms for implementing a "soft power" policy in Central Asia through the implementation of a number of projects in the field of education and culture in cooperation with China and Iran.

Keywords: China, Iran, education policy, "soft power", foreign policy, education system, Central Asia, Confucius Institute
