
Author: Eshimova, Sharofat Kenjaboyevna

Annotation: Article discusses metaphor, which is a part of trope derivation. One type of metaphor is the expression of personification in literature, the role-play, that is, the artistic style of animation. In it, animate and inanimate, personality and impersonality, as well as clarity and abstraction, play an important role. In this case, adjectives as personifiers are usually not the center of expression of the sentence, they are included as a component in extended personalizing contexts. However, the presentation effects when an participle-agreement is more vivid and complex. The main feature that determines the study of adjectives in terms of their use both in the semantic plan and in the context is the semantic dependence of this word group. Adjective falls into the realm of defining somethings or events that interacts with a noun. This feature expresses the extreme semantic mobility of adjective. It easily adapts with different semantic nouns, which give a chance for a different change of meaning. Adjective compounds can express the whole range of features which make up the denotative meaning of noun. The sign of the denotation is more indirectly moved to the designation of the signs associated with the nucleus, easily deriving the derivative (metaphorical) meanings that make up the broad scope of the adjective.

Keywords: personification, denotation, referent, derivation, meaning. category, metaphor, animation, attribute.

Pages in journal: 356 - 364
