Kuralova, J. T. U. Q. (2021). XITOY TILIDAGI “YO ‘NALISH KENGAYTIRUVCHILARI” NI O ‘RGANISHDA INTERAKTIV USULLARNING MOHIYATI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(Special Issue 1), 82-89

Author: Kuralova, Jansoya Turg‘un qizi

Annotation: Directional complement has always been the focus and difficulty in teaching Chinese as a foreign language. Therefore, it has always received extensive attention from scholars. The article mainly uses the contrast method and the induction method to analyze the error of the trend complement in order to better understand the meaning and usage of the trend complement. The research contents mainly include: the teaching strategies of simple directional complements and compound directional complements.

Keywords: simple directional complements, compound directional complements, the contrast method, the induction method
