Madraimov, A. A., & Turdixo’Jayeva, M. M. (2021). G’IYOSIDDIN NAQQOSHNING “XITOY SAFARNOMASI” MANBASIDAGI TEMURIYLAR HAMDA XITOY TARIXINI YORITUVCHI MA’LUMOTLAR TAHLILI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(Special

Author: Madraimov, A.A., Turdixo’jayeva, M.M.

Annotation: This article provides an analysis of the diary of the famous work of Giyosiddin Naqqash, an artist and historian of the Timurid period, who lived in the Shahrukh Palace in Herat. The article also analyzes the problems of the study and historiography of this diary.

Keywords: Giyosiddin Naqqosh, "Chinese travelogue", Shohrukh Mirzo, Abdurazzaq Samarkandi, "Zubdat ut-tavorix", embassy contacts, Chinese ambassadors, Urinbaev, "Zubdat at-tavorihi Boysunguri".
