Author: Hotamov, Baxriddin G’ulom o‘g’li
Annotation: When people talk, the goal is not just to express their thoughts and feelings. At the same time, each interlocutor participates in the process of determining his or her relationship to the other, his or her group characteristics in society, and his or her place in the conversation, using specific tools. During the conversation, the interlocutors, following a certain social rule, choose the forms of mutual contact, and thus both parties express their interaction and social status, class relations. In this sense, the study of forms of appeal is important and necessary from the point of view of sociolinguistics. "In the sociolinguistics, forms of address are words that a person uses to address the other person during a conversation." In different family languages, there are different forms of address - address words, and they express the unity of language and society. In sociolinguistics, the distinction between speaker and speaker can be divided into five main categories, which are the most crucial in terms of "power" and "intimacy." These five factors that affect the relationship between the applicant and the applicant are: age, gender, position, family and kinship, and the level of emotional intimacy between the people.
Keywords: Communication, Sociolinguistics, multilingual, multidialectical, bilingual bilingualism, form of appeal, appeal, nominatum.
Pages in journal: 27 - 31