Назирова, Ш. М. (2021). РАЗВИТИЕ ЖЕНСКОЙ ЛИТЕРАТУРЫ В КИТАЕ ВО ВТОРОЙ ПОЛОВИНЫ XX ВЕКА. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(Special Issue 1), 404-410.

Author: Назирова, Шукрия Миадовна

Annotation: This article is devoted to the second half of the twentieth century, when the development of women's literature in China entered a new stage. In September 1976, the Cultural Revolution, one of the greatest events in Chinese history, came to an end. In the same year, Mao Zedong died. The 70-year-old Gang of Four system, which was directly involved in political events in the country and was the cause of all the tragic events, has come to an end. It was from this period that a new phase of Chinese literature began. Fundamental changes have taken place in all spheres of life in the country. It was the cultural revolution that gave impetus to the development of this direction. The content of literary works, the interpretation of images, and the approach to reality have changed. The works were dominated by revolutionary ideas, the principles of one-sided interpretation of the image of heroes were consolidated. In the first works created after the Cultural Revolution, the image of fatalist heroes began to be created, bent over by the force of historical events, leaving their lives in the hands of fate. Literature of Scars was a kind of insult to an offended and humiliated generation. Scar Literature covers several areas. These are: "children's", "village", "city" scars.

Keywords: cultural revolution, scar literature, gang of four, women's literature
