Nigmanov, A. U. (2021). XITOYNING ENERGETIKA STRATEGIYASI VA ULARNI AMALGA OSHIRISH CHORA–TADBIRLARI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(Special Issue 1), 679-685.

Author: Nigmanov, A.U.

Annotation: At a time when the economic problems associated with the spread of coronavirus are intensifying, the development trends of the Chinese economy have become the focus of global attention, and long-term plans for the development of the Chinese economy are of particular interest to the world community. Today, despite the slowdown in the country's economy, China remains one of the world's largest economies. rinda stands. It is difficult to predict how China will develop today - it is difficult to predict how it will develop due to the large-scale investment in all areas of energy. as well as the threat of a serious economic recession in the first half of 2020 due to the coronavirus epidemic does not allow accurate predictions

Keywords: Oil, gas, coal, import, export, energy resources, energy strategy, CO2
