Нурмухамедова, М. А. К. (2021). ПРОСОДИЯ КАК СУПЕРСЕГМЕНТНОЕ ФОНОЛОГИЧЕСКОЕ ЯВЛЕНИЕ В КОНТЕКСТЕ СОВРЕМЕННЫХ ЛИНГВИСТИЧЕСКИХ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЙ (НА ПРИМЕРЕ КИТАЙСКОГО ЯЗЫКА). Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(Special I

Author: Нурмухамедова, Мукаддас Абдуфаттох кизи

Annotation: This article describes in detail the role of super-segmental prosodic elements in the Chinese language, and also compares their role in the phonetics of inflectional and agglutinative languages using examples. In addition, with the help of examples, the concept of tone in Chinese is reflected, as well as the phenomenon of stress in Russian and Uzbek. These examples are presented as the main source in understanding the phonetics of the language.

Keywords: prosody, phonetic units, tone, tonema, stress, intonation, syngharmonicity, initial, final, subfinal, harmonious means, tone modification.
