ПРЕЦЕДЕНТНОЕ ИМЯ В ТЮРКОЯЗЫЧНОМ ЮМОРИСТИЧЕСКОМ ДИСКУРСЕ (на примере образовАлдара Косы, Эфенди и Коджанасыра)

Author: Мадалиев, Ярмухаммат Худайбергенович

Annotation: The purpose of this article is to describe precedent names in Turkic-language anecdotes, such as Aldar Kose, Efendi and Kojanasir, their functional load and national-cultural specificity. These nomadic images from generation to generation are national heroes, possessing national traits, a sharp mind, ingenuity, the ability to get out of any difficult situation, as well as ridiculing the vices and shortcomings of society of different times. The research material was more than 300 anecdotes collected and published by Kazakh and Uzbek folklorists.

Keywords: humorous discourse, anecdote, precedent name, Aldar Kose, Efendi and Kojanasir.

Pages in journal: 50 - 54
