Пронькина, О. Ф. (2021). ЦЕННОСТЬ ПЕЩЕР МОГАО В ИСКУССТВЕ НА ПРИМЕРЕ ПЬЕСЫ “МЕЧТА ДУНЬХУАНА”. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(Special Issue 1), 411-415.

Author: Пронькина, Ольга Федоровна

Annotation: 121 years have already passed since the monk Wang Yuanlu discovered a repository of Buddhist manuscripts in the Mogao Caves of Dunhuang City, Gansu Province. With the support of the Chinese government, historians, archaeologists, art historians, linguists have done a lot of work to study and preserve this grandiose monument of archeology, a treasury of Buddhist manuscripts, wall paintings and sculptures. The results of these studies have been implemented in various areas of the cultural world of China. The article describes and analyzes the play “Dunhuang's Dream”, the history of the origin of this work of art.

Keywords: Mogao Cave, Chinese culture, the play "Dunhuang's Dream”, an archaeological monument.
