Qizi, A. N. A. (2021). BADIIY MATN TAHLIL QILISHNING DISKURSIV OMILLARI (“DUET”(«合奏») HIKOYASI MISOLIDA). Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(Special Issue 1), 34-43.

Author: Abduraxmonova, Naziraxon Alisher qizi

Annotation: In addition to discourse structure issues, another major area of problem studied in discourse analysis is the influence of discourse factors on smaller linguistic components - grammar, lexicon, and phonetics. For example, the order of words in a predicate, even if it is a grammatical phenomenon, cannot be explained without reference to discursive factors. This is a clear proof that discourse analysis is one of the most important directions in modern linguistics.

Keywords: discourse factors, grammar, lexicon, phonetic.
