Саидов, Ш. Ж. (2021). ХОРАЗМ-ХИТОЙ САВДО ЙЎЛЛАРИ ТАРИХИДАН. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(Special Issue 1), 567-571.

Author: Саидов, Шавкат Жумабаевич

Annotation: This article is devoted to the coverage of the history of trade roads existing between China and the peoples of Central Asia, including with Khorezm. Historical facts prove that Khorezm and China in the last two thousand years, from the 2nd century until the 19th century AD, maintained trade relations that extended across the territory of Central Asia.

Keywords: Khorezm, China, Central Asia, trade, trade routes, U-Di, Zhan-Jian, Turpan, Pamir.
