Шамотина, Э. А. (2021). ПРЕЦЕДЕНТНЫЕ ВЫСКАЗЫВАНИЯ ЧЕНЪЮЙ В СОВРЕМЕННЫХ 笑话 КИТАЯ. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(Special Issue 1), 286-292.

Author: Шамотина, Эльвира Анатольевна

Annotation: The processes taking place in the world, political and economic interest in China have caused the need for specialists who speak Chinese for professional purposes. Learning Chinese is impossible without studying and understanding the culture of the country. Phraseology is an integral part of the linguistic culture of any state. Understanding idioms is a very important point for cross-language communication. Chengyu is a special class of Chinese phraseological units constructed according to the norms of the ancient Chinese language and reflecting the original culture of China. The article provides examples of the use of chengyu in modern 笑话, gives a linguistic analysis and the history of the origin of idioms.

Keywords: precedent statement, Chen Yu, Chinese culture, Chinese language, idioms.
