Author: Ahrorova, Madina Rahmatovna
Annotation: Nozimakhanym (1870 - 1924, Tashkent) was the first Uzbek publicist journalist. He studied Tatar, Arabic and Persian. Regularly followed the press in Orenburg and Kazan. He was familiar with European literature and culture, was fond of the ideas of liberalism and promoted these ideas in our country. Nozimahanim, a classmate of all classical poets, also took education as a weapon against ignorance and depravity. He read Uzbek and Persian classics, especially Saadi and Hafiz. The work of the poet, who was educated in the East and West, is analyzed in this article on the example of gazelles. Also, the motifs of freedom in the poet's work are framed on the basis of subtle, mystical poems, and the article provides a philosophical analysis of these issues.
Keywords: "Sadoi Turkiston", "Tarakkiy", mathematics, ignorance, oppression, education, freedom, language, appearance.
Pages in journal: 133 - 144