Шаюсупова, А. А., & Ашурова, М. А. (2021). ЛУ СИН ХАЁТИ ВА ИЖОД ЙЎЛИНИ ЎРГАНИШДА ТАЛАБАЛАР МУСТАҚИЛ ФАОЛИЯТИНИ ШАКЛЛАНТИРИШНИНГ ЎЗИГА ХОС ХУСУСИЯТЛАРИ. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(Special Issue 1), 457-465

Author: Шаюсупова, А.А.; Ашурова М.А.

Annotation: This article discusses the features of students' independent work, the formation of exchange of ideas through pedagogical technologies in the study of the literary activity of Lu Xin, one of the brightest representatives of modern Chinese literature, prose writer, orator, playwright.

Keywords: "Call", "May 4 movement", 1909-1918, journalistic activity, the Chinese revolution of 1925-1927, "Bayhua" language, "Wenyang" language, pedagogical technology, independent activity, "Boomerang" technology.
