Собиров, Ж. А. (2021). ХАВФСИЗЛИК ВА БАРҚАРОРЛИКНИ ТАЪМИНЛАШДА МИНТАҚАВИЙ ТАШКИЛОТЛАРНИНГ ТУТГАН ЎРНИ. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(Special Issue 1), 707-712.

Author: Собиров, Ж.А.

Annotation: This article highlights the contribution of international regional organizations to the development of Central Asian Countries. The importance of regional organizations, in particular, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, in the development of Uzbekistan in various fields was highlighted. The importance of the participation of Central Asian countries in the SCO and their impact on the integration process within the organization was discussed in this article

Keywords: Central Asia, Cooperation Council of Turkic-speaking states, CIS, integration, cooperation, Shanghai Cooperation Organization, strategic goal, democracy
