Содиқов, Қ. (2021). УЙҒУР ЁЗУВЛИ ВАСИҚАЛАРДА ИШЛАТИЛГАН БАДИИЙ СТЕРЕОТИПЛАР. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(Special Issue 1), 178-192.

Author: СОДИҚОВ, Қосимжон

Annotation: in the beginning of the last century, russian and western european scientists discovered many historical monuments of history and manuscripts as a result of scientific expeditions to the historical lands of present-day sindjan, in particular, the ancient turfan. among the manuscripts were the official documents created by the ancient turkic buddhist monarchy. most of these historical documents are in the old uighur form, with extensive information on the socio-economic system of the ancient turkic states, the relationships between people, trade and legal relations. documents give freedom to patrons, adoptions, transfer their children to a lawyer, sell slaves and slaves, inherit the land, sell land, farm work, sell their crops, rent a vineyard, loans, loans, commodity turnover. and most importantly, the rule of law in the old state and society has become a leader and all legal relationships have been formalized. also, these documents are also important historical monuments of turkish written literary language. the units are fully competent and fully meet all the requirements of the current period. they serve as a reliable material in the study of the turkish historical formation and development of the official style. in this article, ancient turkish official documents found in turf were studied stylistically. it focuses on the key issues of text stylistics - the stereotypical units used in documents, their functions, the synchronicity of formal and artistic styles

Keywords: old turkic manuscripts, history of turkic documents, old turkic documents, stilistics of official documents, literary stereotypes, synchronicity of official and literary style.
