Sulaymonov, J. B. (2021). XITOY BUDDAVIYLIGI TA’LIMOTIDA BORLIQ VA BILISH MUAMMOLARINING QO ‘YILISHI. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(Special Issue 1), 572-579.

Author: Sulaymonov, J.B.

Annotation: This scientific article is devoted to ontological and epistemological issues of the Tiantai School of Chinese Buddhism. The article emphasizes that the doctrine of the teachings of Iyang San-Qian and the doctrine of the unity of reason in the doctrine of the Tiantai school are inextricably linked with the cosmological views of Buddhism.

Keywords: Chinese Buddhism, Tiantai, Iyang San-Qian doctrine, ontology, epistemology, “Five eras, eight teachings”, “Mid-level truth”.
