Султанова, Л. А. (2021). ХИТОЙ ТИЛИДАГИ ТИББИЁТ ТЕРМИНЛАРИНИНГ ЎЗБЕК ТИЛИГА ТАРЖИМА ҚИЛИШ МАСАЛАЛАРИ. Oriental renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences, 1(Special Issue 1), 193-199.

Author: Султанова, Л.А.

Annotation: The continuous development of medicine, which is an integral part of human life, allows us to constantly replenish the terminological layer of vocabulary, introducing new names and developing stable ones. This confirms once again that an in-depth study of medical terminology is one of the most pressing problems. The study of nominations and translations of medical terms is aimed at achieving an adequate translation, which contributes to the solution of many practical problems. Indeed, the number of medical terms continues to grow. It is not always possible to find alternatives to Chinese terms in manuals and other literature. A clear, concise interpretation and standardization of terminology specific to this area will help speed up the dialogue between Uzbek and Chinese medical specialists, get acquainted with new methods of treatment and simplify the work of documentation in the medical field. Therefore, this article discusses the tasks of determining the methods of forming medical terms related to the industry, and their application in translation practice

Keywords: medical terminology, attributive, affixation, translation, reduction, borrowing, DNA.
