Author: Джельдыбаева, Раушан Базыкеновна; Ашимбаева, Асем Куатбековна
Annotation: In this article, a brief study of the formation and development of Chinese and Kazakh children's literature has been studied. Children's literature is a tool for the formation of children's personality and aesthetic and moral education of young people; children's literature has characteristics such as dynamic scenes and humor, sincerity, orientation of human values, characteristics of characters, language abilities and expressiveness, contributing to the literary works of the two countries. In this article, a brief study of the formation and development of Chinese and Kazakh children's literature has been studied. Children's literature is a tool for the formation of children's personality and aesthetic and moral education of young people; children's literature has characteristics such as dynamic scenes and humor, sincerity, orientation of human values, characteristics of characters, language abilities and expressiveness, contributing to the literary works of the two countries
Keywords: children's literature; Kazakh children's literature; Chinese children's literature; formation; development
Pages in journal: 362 - 367