Author: Kalibekuly, Tolkyn; Mellat, Dilnar
Annotation: One of the most contentious issues today is the marking of onomastic names by the Latin-based Kazakh alphabet. The article addresses a number of issues that arise when lettering Chinese onomastic names using Kazakh graphics based on the Latin alphabet. The history of marking the pronunciation of Chinese characters, as well as scientific works on Chinese language transliteration using the Latin script are examined. Based on an analysis of Chinese names and toponyms, problems arising during the transliteration of Chinese onomastic names with Latin characters were identified. By comparing the features of sounds of Chinese language with the sounds of Kazakh language, the linguistic foundations of topical issues arising from the lettering of Chinese personal names and place names with the improved Latin-based Kazakh alphabet are determined. Transliteration methods of Chinese onomastic names, namely anthroponyms and toponyms, using the Latin-based Kazakh alphabet are presented.
Keywords: Chinese, Kazakh, spelling rules, names of people, places, Latin graphics, phonetics, lettering
Pages in journal: 93 - 101